Journalists reporting about AI

In the latest JournalismAI newsletter, a list of recommendations called “Reporting on AI Effectively” shares wisdom from several journalists who are reporting about a range of artificial intelligence and machine learning topics. The advice is grouped under these headings:

  • Build a solid foundation
  • Beat the hype
  • Complicate the narrative
  • Be compassionate, but embrace critical thinking

Karen Hao, senior AI editor at MIT Technology Review — whose articles I read all the time! — points out that to really educate yourself about AI, you’re going to need to read some of the research papers in the field. She also recommends YouTube as a resource for learning about AI — and I have to agree. I’ve never used YouTube so much to learn about a topic before I began studying AI.

The post also offers good advice about questions a reporter should ask about AI research and new developments int the field.

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AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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