Explaining common misconceptions about AI

Sometimes people make a statement that an artificial intelligence system is a computer system that learns, or that learns on its own.

That is inaccurate. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, not the whole field. Machine learning systems are computer systems that learn from data. Other AI systems do not. Various systems are wholly programmed by humans to follow explicit rules and do not generate any code or instructions on their own.

The error probably arises from the fact that many of the exciting advances in AI since 2012 have involved some form of machine learning.

The recent successes of machine learning have much to do with neural networks, each of which is a system of algorithms that (in some respects) mimics the way neurons work in the brains of humans and other animals — but only in some respects. In other words, a neural network shares some features with human brains, but is not extremely similar to a human brain in all its complexity.

Advances in neural networks have been made possible not only by new algorithms (written by humans) but also by new computer hardware that did not exist in the earlier decades of AI development. The main advance concerns graphical processing units, commonly called GPUs. If you’ve noticed how computer games have evolved from simple flat pixel blocks (e.g. Pac-Man) to vast 3D worlds through which the player can fly or run at high speed, turning in different directions to view vast new landscapes, you can extrapolate how the advanced hardware has increased the speed of processing of graphical information by many orders of magnitude.

Without today’s GPUs, you can’t create a neural network that runs multiple algorithms in parallel fast enough to achieve the amazing things that AI systems have achieved. To be clear, the GPUs are just engines, powering the code that creates a neural network.

More about the role of GPUs in today’s AI: Computational Power and the Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence (2018), by Tim Hwang.

Another reason why AI has leapt onto the public stage recently is Big Data. Headlines alerted us to the existence and importance of Big Data a few years ago, and it’s tied to AI because how else could we process that ginormous quantity of data? If all we were doing with Big Data was adding sums, well, that’s no big deal. What businesses and governments and the military really want from Big Data, though, is insights. Predictions. They want to analyze very, very large datasets and discover information there that helps them control populations, make greater profits, manage assets, etc.

Big Data became available to businesses, governments, the military, etc., because so much that used to be stored on paper is now digital. As the general population embraced digital devices for everyday use (fitness, driving cars, entertainment, social media), we contributed even more data than we ever had before.

Very large language models (an aspect of AI that contributes to Google Translate, automatic subtitles on YouTube videos, and more) are made possible by very, very large collections of text that are necessary to train those models. Something I read recently that made an impression on me: For languages that do not have such extensive text corpuses, it can be difficult or even impossible to train an effective model. The availability of a sufficiently enormous amount of data is a prerequisite for creating much of the AI we hear and read about today.

If you ever wonder where all the data comes from — don’t forget that a lot of it comes from you and me, as we use our digital devices.

Perhaps the biggest misconception about AI is that machines will soon become as intelligent as humans, or even more intelligent than all of us. As a common feature in science fiction books and movies, the idea of a super-intelligent computer or robot holds a rock-solid place in our minds — but not in the real world. Not a single one of the AI systems that have achieved impressive results is actually intelligent in the way humans (even baby humans!) are intelligent.

The difference is that we learn from experience, and we are driven by curiosity and the satisfaction we get from experiencing new things — from not being bored. Every AI system is programmed to perform particular tasks on the data that is fed to it. No AI system can go and find new kinds of data. No AI system even has a desire to do so. If a system is given a new kind of data — say, we feed all of Wikipedia’s text to a face-recognition AI system — it has no capability to produce meaningful outputs from that new kind of input.


Creative Commons License
AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Include the author’s name (Mindy McAdams) and a link to the original post in any reuse of this content.


AI building blocks: What are models?

Descriptions of machine learning are often centered on training a model. Not having a background in math or statistics, I was puzzled by this the first time I encountered it. What is the model?

This 10-minute video first describes how you select labeled data for training. You examine the features in the data, so you know what’s available to you (such as color and alcohol content of beers and wines). Then the next step is choosing the model that you will train.

In the video, Yufeng Guo chooses a small linear model without much explanation as to why. For those of us with an impoverished math background, this choice is completely mysterious. (Guo does point out that some models are better suited for image data, while others might be better suited for text data, and so on.) But wait, there’s help. You can read various short or long explanations about the kinds of models available.

It’s important for the outsider to grasp that this is all code. The model is an algorithm, or a set of algorithms (not a graph). But this is not the final model. This is a model you will train, using the data.

What are you doing while training? You are — or rather, the system is — adjusting numbers known as weights and biases. At the outset, these numbers are randomly selected. They have no meaning and no reason for being the numbers they are. As the data go into the algorithm, the weights and biases are used with the data to produce a result, a prediction. Early predictions are bad. Wine is called beer, and beer is called wine.

The output (the prediction) is compared to the “correct answer” (it is wine, or it is beer). The weights and biases are adjusted by the system. The predictions get better as the training data are run again and again and again. Running all the data through the system once is called an epoch; the weights and biases are not adjusted until after all the data have run through once. Then the adjustment. Then run the data again. Epoch 2: adjust, repeat. Many epochs are required before the predictions become good.

After the predictions are good for the training data, it’s time to evaluate the model using data that were set aside and not used for training. These “test data” (or “evaluation data”) have never run through the system before.

The results from the evaluation using the test data can be used to further fine-tune the system, which is done by the programmers, not by the code. This is called adjusting the hyperparameters and affects the learning process (e.g., how fast it runs; how the weights are initialized). These adjustments have been called “a ‘black art’ that requires expert experience, unwritten rules of thumb, or sometimes brute-force search” (Snoek et al., 2012).

And now, what you have is a trained model. This model is ready to be used on data similar to the data it was trained on. Say it’s a model for machine vision that’s part of a robot assembling cars in a factory — it’s ready to go into all the robots in all the car factories. It will see what it has been trained to see and send its prediction along to another system that turns the screw or welds the door or — whatever.

And it’s still just — code. It can be copied and sent to another computer, uploaded and downloaded, and further modified.

Creative Commons License
AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Include the author’s name (Mindy McAdams) and a link to the original post in any reuse of this content.


AI building blocks: What are algorithms?

In thinking about how to teach non–computer science students about AI, I’ve been considering what fundamental concepts they need to understand. I was thinking about models and how to explain them. My searches led me to this 8-minute BBC video: What exactly is an algorithm?

I’ve explained algorithms to journalism students in the past — usually I default to the “a set of instructions” definition and leave it at that. What I admire about this upbeat, lively video is not just that it goes well beyond that simple explanation but also that it brings in experts to talk about how various and wide-ranging algorithms are.

The young presenter, Jon Stroud, starts out with no clue what algorithms are. He begins with some web searching and finds Victoria Nash, of the Oxford Internet Institute, who provides the “it’s like a recipe” definition. Then he gets up off his butt and visits the Oxford Internet Institute, where Bernie Hogan, senior research fellow, gives Stroud a tour of the server room and a fuller explanation.

“Algorithms calculate based on a bunch of features, the sort of things that will put something at the top of the list and then something at the bottom of the list.”

—Bernie Hogan, Oxford Internet Institute

He meets up with Isabel Maccabee at Northcoders, a U.K. coding school, and participates in a fun little drone-flying competition with an algorithm.

“The person writing the code could have written an error, and that’s where problems can arise, but the computer doesn’t make mistakes. It just does what it’s supposed to do.”

—Isabel Maccabee, Northcoders

Stroud also visits Allison Gardner, of Women Leading in AI, to talk about deskilling and the threats and benefits of computers in general.

This video provides an enjoyable introduction with plenty of ideas for follow-up discussion. It provides a nice grounding that includes the fact that not everything powerful about computer technology is AI!

Creative Commons License
AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Include the author’s name (Mindy McAdams) and a link to the original post in any reuse of this content.
