What is the good in GPT-3?

When given a prompt, an app built on the GPT-3 language model can generate an entire essay. Why would we need such an essay? Maybe the more important question is: What harm can such an essay bring about?

I couldn’t get that question out of my mind after I came across a tweet by Abeba Birhane, an award-winning cognitive science researcher based in Dublin.

You can read the essay on the Philosopher AI website or, should that go away, you can see a full image of the page that I captured.

Here is a sample of the generated text: “… it is unclear whether ethiopia’s problems can really be attributed to racial diversity or simply the fact that most of its population is black and thus would have faced the same issues in any country (since africa has had more than enough time to prove itself incapable of self-government).”

Obviously there exist racist human beings who would express a similar racist idea. The machine, however, has written this by default. It was not told to write a racist essay — it was told to write an essay about Ethiopia.

The free online version of Philosopher AI no longer exists to generate texts for you — but you can buy access to it via an app for either iOS or Android. That means anyone with $3 or $4 can spin up an essay to submit for a class, an application for a school or a job, a blog or forum post, an MTurk prompt.

A review of Philosopher AI posted at the iOS app store

The app has built-in blocks on certain terms, such as trans and women — apparently because the app cannot be trusted to write anything inoffensive in response to those prompts.

Why is a GPT-3 app so predisposed to write misogynist and racist and otherwise hateful texts? It goes back to the corpus on which it was trained. (See a related post here.) Philosopher AI offers this disclaimer: “Please remember that the AI will generate different outputs each time; and that it lacks any specific opinions or knowledge — it merely mimics opinions, proven by how it can produce conflicting outputs on different attempts.”

“GPT-3 was trained on the Common Crawl dataset, a broad scrape of the 60 million domains on the internet along with a large subset of the sites to which they link. This means that GPT-3 ingested many of the internet’s more reputable outlets — think the BBC or The New York Times — along with the less reputable ones — think Reddit. Yet, Common Crawl makes up just 60% of GPT-3’s training data; OpenAI researchers also fed in other curated sources such as Wikipedia and the full text of historically relevant books.” (Source: TechCrunch.)

There’s no question that GPT-3’s natural language generation prowess is amazing, stunning. But it’s like a wild beast that can at any moment turn and rip the throat out of its trainer. It has all the worst of humanity already embedded within it.

A previous related post: GPT-3 and automated text generation.

Creative Commons License
AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Include the author’s name (Mindy McAdams) and a link to the original post in any reuse of this content.


ImageNet and labels for data

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning in which a model is trained using labeled data. You begin with a very large collection of labeled data. (In the case of ImageNet, the data were all digital images. For the Iris Data Set, the data all refer to individual iris flowers, which can be divided into three related species. For the MNIST dataset, the data are images of about 70,000 handwritten numbers, 0 through 9.)

You divide the dataset into two parts, the training data and the test data. The split might be 70/30, or 80/20. You don’t choose which data goes into which group. Then you run the training data many, many, many times, adjusting certain parameters in the code along the way, until the code consistently returns good results — that is, the thing the code identifies (an object in an image, an iris species, a number) matches the label (which is hidden from the code).

At that point, you have a trained model. You feed the test data set to it and see whether the accuracy rate is also high. (It’s important that none of the test data were used to train the model.) Again, the proof is in the labels.

In a later post I will discuss how data come to be labeled. (Hint: It’s not elves.) In this post, I will discuss bad labels. Specifically, I want to highlight the work that AI researcher Kate Crawford and artist-researcher Trevor Paglen did around the famous ImageNet dataset.

In the video above, Crawford and Paglen present this work and show a lot of great examples. They also published a long article about the work, if you’d rather read than watch.

ImageNet is a huge collection of labeled images. More than 14 million images. They were labeled according to a set of categories and synonym groupings from WordNet, an English-language lexical database. The images were labeled by humans.

And that, it seems, is at the root of the problem.

Crawford and Paglen were interested in the ImageNet photos of people. Person is a category in WordNet. Within the category, there are many descriptive terms for people, such as “cheerleaders, scuba divers, welders, Boy Scouts, fire walkers, and flower girls.” So the photos of people in ImageNet are labeled with these terms. However, not all terms are neutral.

“A young man drinking beer is categorized as an ‘alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse.’ A child wearing sunglasses is classified as a ‘failure, loser, non-starter, unsuccessful person.’”

—Crawford and Paglen

You might say, well, where’s the harm? They are only labels in a database, after all.

The ImageNet database has been used to train many convolutional neural networks used in image-recognition software.

When you feed a photo of yourself into an image-recognition application, you might be surprised at the labels that are applied to you. For example, an image of Paglen (a white man with a shaved head) was labeled as “Klansman, Ku Kluxer.”

Paglen built a web app called ImageNet Roulette so that anyone could upload a photo of themselves or a friend and see what labels were applied. (The app is no longer online.) It became clear that perfectly innocuous people in photos were being labeled as criminals or dangerous, or with racist or sexist terms.

About 952,000 of ImageNet’s 14 million images were in the person category as of 2010 (source). Many of those images — with their labels — were removed after the opening of Crawford and Paglen’s art exhibition, Training Humans, in Milan in September 2019.

ImageNet has been used to train countless image-recognition systems since 2010.

Additional information:

Leading online database to remove 600,000 images after art project reveals its racist bias (September 2019), The Art Newspaper.

Creative Commons License
AI in Media and Society by Mindy McAdams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Include the author’s name (Mindy McAdams) and a link to the original post in any reuse of this content.
