Who's Reading My Blog?

This survey is no longer live. To see the results, go here.

I'm using this form to collect information about what kinds of people visit my blog, Teaching Online Journalism, and what they are interested in. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer.

What do you do? *
Check all that apply.

  1. Journalist (any medium)
  2. Student of journalism
  3. Professor or teacher of journalism
  4. Other student
  5. Other educator
  6. None of the above

Have you seen this blog (Teaching Online Journalism) before today? *

  1. Today is the first time I ever saw your blog.
  2. I saw your blog a long time ago and just now rediscovered it.
  3. I find your blog now and then, by clicking links at other blogs.
  4. I check your blog occasionally.
  5. I check your blog often.
  6. I have your blog in my RSS feeds and check it occasionally.
  7. I have your blog in my RSS feeds and check it often.
  8. None of these answers work for me.

Is this blog (Teaching Online Journalism) any good?
Check all that apply.

  1. It is sometimes interesting to me.
  2. I learn a lot of new things from this blog.
  3. I already know most of the things discussed in this blog.
  4. I only read this blog because I know Mindy.
  5. I read it mainly because I find the writing style clear and easy to read.
  6. I read it mainly because I like to follow some of the links provided in the daily posts.
  7. I read it because I am looking for stuff to put in my own blog.
  8. I consider it to be an essential part of my information universe.
  9. None of these answers work for me.

You want to see more posts about ... (tick only 3)
Check only three topics, please.

  1. Video online
  2. Audio online
  3. Audio slideshows
  4. Information graphics
  5. Animated graphics
  6. Flash
  7. Online journalism packages (larger stories with multiple segments)
  8. Interactivity
  9. Photojournalism
  10. Writing online
  11. Reporting for online
  12. Journalism jobs
  13. Journalism ethics
  14. Teaching online journalism
  15. Tips for journalism students
  16. Citizen journalism
  17. Hyperlocal content
  18. User generated content
  19. Blogs used by or written by journalists
  20. Other blogs or blogging tips
  21. Journalism business practices
  22. Newsroom reforms

How does this blog (Teaching Online Journalism) fit into your other blog reading?

  1. It is the only blog I read regularly.
  2. It is one of the top 10 blogs I read regularly.
  3. There are other blogs I read regularly -- but this is not one of them.
  4. I do not read many blogs regularly.
  5. I do not read ANY blogs regularly.
  6. The only blog that I read regularly is Romenesko.
  7. I read a large number of blogs regularly, and this is just one of them.
  8. None of these answers work for me.

What type of post do you like MOST?

  1. Links to examples at professional journalism sites
  2. Tutorials and how-to posts
  3. Critiques of specific online journalism work
  4. "Think pieces" or original essays
  5. Summaries of other people's very long articles or blog posts
  6. Overview posts that provide links to several related posts or resources at other sites
  7. All of these, or I can't pick just one
  8. None of these are a type I like MOST

What type of post do you like LEAST?

  1. Links to examples at professional journalism sites
  2. Tutorials and how-to posts
  3. Critiques of specific online journalism work
  4. "Think pieces" or original essays
  5. Summaries of other people's very long articles or blog posts
  6. Overview posts that provide links to several related posts or resources at other sites
  7. I like all of these, at least sometimes
  8. None of these are a type I like LEAST

Why did you complete this survey? *

  1. I was only curious about Wufoo, the tool.
  2. I wanted to help Mindy learn more about her blog readers.
  3. I just like to fill out surveys!
  4. I am a blogger too, so it was a courtesy among peers.
  5. None of these answers works for me.

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